I wouldn't dare to look and touch my body in my teenage days. Why? I grew up educated in convent school where I was taught by strict teachers - nuns and reverent mothers (those with long white robes). Being young, naive and scared, we as students just took the advice of our teachers. There was no easy access of internet those days, so not so much awareness. Now, there is this campaign of "Early detection of breast cancer is important". How to detect breast cancer? Ladies have to learn to feel for any lumps their breast regularly.

Hmm... it says here just 10 minutes a day to save your breasts and your life.

I went to the launch of Watsons Pink Ribbon Campaign themed 'Together Towards Wellness' last week. In Malaysia, breast cancer is affecting women, and according to experts, one in 20 women will develop breast cancer in their lifetime.

Early detection is the answer, so it is good for women to get educated in how to detect breast cancer.

This is how to do it, slowly press to feel for any lumps first. If there is, then is better to see a doctor and go for mammogram.
Pink ribbon, an international symbol for breast cancer awareness is here with Watsons and collaboration with The Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia (BCWA).
Pink ribbon magnet pin will be sold at only RM5 in selected Watsons store, check www.watsons.com.my. Customers who have purchase this magnet will receive free health checks and make over by Watsons experts. Proceeds from the sale of this pink ribbon campaign will be donated to BWCA to advocate early detection awareness.
Exercise is important to our health. Get up, move about and take our heart beat to the next level!
Zapping some activities at the launch
Participants at the launch were taught zumba dance! Yes, dancing along with hip hop, jazz or rock music can make us more relax and gives us the much needed adrenaline rush. Every one needs to do some exercise to keep our self healthy. When we have a healthy body and soul, cancer will be scared to rear its head, as our immune system will become stronger ^-^.
Sasha Saidin (Watsons Celebrity Friend) and Steffi Sidhu (Watsons Celebrity Friend) giving some advice breast cancer early detection pros.
Summing up, our health is very important to us! In fact health is the main factor in our life. So, if you are a woman, remember to check your breast for any lumps monthly, if you are not a woman, then remind your fairer sex family members of this early detection as it can save life.
For more information on this Watsons Pink Ribbon campaign:
Facebook: Watsons Facebook
Website: Watsons Malaysia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/watsonsmy/
Let's all move towards a healthier, more meaningful life!
Check out another Watsons project here: Malaysia's Top Influencer Search
Had a pink ribbon drawn on my face by makeup experts of Watson, to support pink ribbon campaign.
Caryn Loh, Managing Director of Watsons Malaysia, said "According to medical experts, the 5 year survival rate of Stage 1 breast cancer patients is up to 98%." Thus Watsons would like to take this opportunity to educate our customers on the importance of early breast cancer detection. Watsons Pink ribbon campaign will enable BCWA to do more to improve quality of life for women with breast cancer.
From left: Ms Caryn Loh (Managing Director, Watsons Malaysia) and Ms Janet Khor (Vice President, BCWA) during official launching of Watsons Pink Ribbon Campaign, collaborating with The Breast Cancer Welfare Association Malaysia (BCWA)
During this pink ribbon campaign from 2-29 October 2018, Watsons will donate RM1 to BCWA for every RM50 pucrhase of participating brands products. Members of Watsons will get a free RM10 voucher for the next purchase at Watsons, as appreciation from Watsons for supporting this campaign. Brands participating in this campaign are Biore, Bio-essence, Blackmores, Cetaaphil, Gatsby, Hada Lado, Kate, Lifebuoy, Maybelline, Nano White, NH Detox, Nivea, Oral-B, Pure Beauty, Pantene and Safi.
Exercise is important to our health. Get up, move about and take our heart beat to the next level!
Zapping some activities at the launch
Participants at the launch were taught zumba dance! Yes, dancing along with hip hop, jazz or rock music can make us more relax and gives us the much needed adrenaline rush. Every one needs to do some exercise to keep our self healthy. When we have a healthy body and soul, cancer will be scared to rear its head, as our immune system will become stronger ^-^.
From left: Ms Low Siew Hui (Finance and IT Director, Watsons Malaysia and also AS Watson Global Group CSR Committee), Ms Chin Keat Yue (Breast Cancer Survivor), Sasha Saidin (Watsons Celebrity Friend), Ms Caryn Loh (Managing Director, Watsons Malaysia), Ms Janet Khor (Vice President, BCWA), Ms Angel Nageshvari Thanapal (Breast Cancer Survivor), and Steffi Sidhu (Watsons Celebrity Friend)
Summing up, our health is very important to us! In fact health is the main factor in our life. So, if you are a woman, remember to check your breast for any lumps monthly, if you are not a woman, then remind your fairer sex family members of this early detection as it can save life.
For more information on this Watsons Pink Ribbon campaign:
Facebook: Watsons Facebook
Website: Watsons Malaysia
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/watsonsmy/
Let's all move towards a healthier, more meaningful life!
Check out another Watsons project here: Malaysia's Top Influencer Search